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News — cortisol

The Cortisol Steal: Understanding Its Impact on Hormones and Stress

Posted by Morgan Fisher on

You may have heard the term cortisol steal (or pregnenolone steal) in relation to stress and hormones. It refers to how, under chronic stress, the body prioritizes cortisol production at the expense of other essential hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. For those experiencing high stress, stored trauma, or hormone imbalances, understanding how cortisol affects the body can illuminate frustrating symptoms and offer a path to relief.   Common Symptoms of Cortisol Steal  The cortisol steal often contributes to frustrating symptoms, such as: Fatigue: With the body constantly producing cortisol, energy levels can feel drained. Sleep Disturbances: High cortisol, particularly...

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9 Ways High Stress Is Giving You Cortisol Face

Posted by Liz Tenuto on

Have you noticed that your face is puffy when you wake up or you have bags under your eyes, no matter how much sleep or self-care you get? From puffiness to bags to fine lines, these are actually the signs of “cortisol face.” High cortisol levels, triggered by prolonged stress, can silently change your appearance, affecting everything from your skin's texture to facial fat distribution. You may think it’s just aging, but it can be your body’s response to long-term stress. Face before and after releasing excess cortisol: Cortisol face shares symptoms with other stress-related conditions like fatigue, mood swings, and sleep disturbances. When your...

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How High Cortisol and Stress Impact Your Sleep

Posted by Liz Tenuto on

If you find yourself doom-scrolling on social media until you physically can't keep your eyes open at night only to wake up with racing thoughts just 3 hours later, high cortisol levels could be the culprit. Cortisol, often dubbed the "stress hormone," plays a significant role in your body's response to stress. But when levels remain elevated, especially at night, it can lead to a host of sleep issues. This disruption is deeply connected to nervous system dysregulation, constant stress, and stored trauma, affecting not just your physical health but your mental well-being too. The Science Behind High Cortisol and...

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A Case Against Cold Plunges: Why Cold Plunging Is Keeping You Stressed

Posted by Liz Tenuto on

You've probably heard the craze about cold plunges recently. And while research does show that cold plunges do have benefits to some, we strongly do not recommend cold plunges for others. 👇🏼 In the pursuit of wellness, many people turn to various practices, and one trend that has gained popularity is cold plunging. While the invigorating effects of submerging oneself in icy water are celebrated by certain folks, a closer look reveals that this practice may not be suitable for everyone, especially those living with chronic stress. In fact, cold plunging could potentially exacerbate the very issues it aims to alleviate. The Nervous...

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Why Your Cortisol Levels Might Show Up Normal In Blood Work

Posted by Liz Tenuto on

So everyone on social media is telling you that your cortisol levels are high, yet your blood work says they're normal... 😵‍💫 If this sound like you, then let's talk about why! We understand how frustrating it can be to know you have so many of the signs and symptoms of having high cortisol levels. And we understand how even more frustarting it can be to then only have a blood test come back normal! So you are NOT alone in this feeling.  In fact, it's actually quite common to have high cortisol levels even when your blood test says you don't. But why...

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