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News — somatic exercise

Random Things You Do Everyday That Are Signs Of Living In Survival Mode

Posted by Liz Tenuto on

If you've ever found yourself in a constant state of 'fight or flight' mode or if you feel like your only true goal is to just get through the day... You're probably living in survival mode. And even though living in survival mode can be exhausting and overwhelming — living in survival mode is something that hundreds of thousands of people are experiencing on a daily basis. So know that you're not alone. If you're living with chronic stress or have a demanding job or are dealing with a difficult relationship, you might find yourself in survival mode. And survival...

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How Somatic Exercise Can Heal Your Bloating Naturally Without Dieting

Posted by Kelsey Juntwait on

Bloating is a common digestive issue that almost everyone experiences at some point in their lives — but somatic exercises can be the long-term answer to this uncomfortable and frustrating pain. While some turn to diets or medications to alleviate their bloating symptoms, these types of treatments are only healing the symptoms of the bloating. However, they aren't healing the cause. So a natural and effective solution worth exploring for bloating and digestive issues is a practice known as somatic exercises. Bloating & Somatic Exercises What causes bloating? Bloating is a common condition characterized by a feeling of fullness, tightness,...

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How Childhood Trauma May Have Triggered Your Hashimoto's

Posted by Kelsey Juntwait on

The trauma you previously experienced in your childhood could be the reason you were diagnosed with Hashimoto's in your adulthood. Which means that managing — and even healing from — your Hashimoto's could be as easy as healing from the childhood trauma you might be repressing. Childhood Trauma Simply put, childhood trauma is any traumatic event experienced in childhood. And the trauma we're talking about can be anything — including physical and emotional neglect, bullying, witnessing a traumatic event, living in an unpredictable environment, having a family member with mental illness, experiencing parents getting a divorce, losing a loved one, as well...

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Healing Your Depression Naturally With Somatic Exercises & Physical Activity

Posted by Kelsey Juntwait on

If you're one of the millions of people who struggles with depression, you're not alone. Depression is a common condition that affects your way of feeling, thinking, and acting. And at times, it can be debilitating. So when it comes to exercise, that's probably the last thing anyone suffering from the symptoms of depression would want to do. However, research shows that physical activity — especially low-intensity activity like somatic exercises — is just as effective for depression as prescription drugs. And that's because somatic exercises stimulate hippocampus growth, while prescription drugs do not. Here's why that's important... The Connection Between Depression &...

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The Benefits Of Somatic Exercise For Trauma Release

Posted by Kelsey Juntwait on

Everyone's differing experience with trauma is deeply personal; and the actual definition of trauma can vary from person to person (depending on their own unique circumstances, healing mechanisms, and emotions). But one thing that binds us all when it comes to trauma is the way we deal with it — and one sure fire way to do that is through somatic exercise. Understanding Trauma: A Look At Its Definition And Sources Trauma arises when an individual undergoes an event that evokes a profound sense of helplessness, fear, distress, or overwhelming pain. These events can take many forms, ranging from physical...

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