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M.E.A.T. vs. R.I.C.E. — How To Actually Heal From An Injury

Posted by Kelsey Juntwait on

When it comes to treating acute injuries, it's no longer best practice to use the "R.I.C.E." method (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation). As of 2015, the treatment method "M.E.A.T." has become the new normal (Movement, Exercise, Analgesics, Treatment). What is R.I.C.E.? R.I.C.E stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation, and has been used for decades as the common standard for healing injuries. However, more recent studies have shown that using R.I.C.E. to heal is not the most effective practice. Here are a few reason why: First of all, resting for too long after an injury can delay healing — leading to muscle...

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The Surprising Link Between Posture and Mental Health: What Your Posture Says About You

Posted by Kelsey Juntwait on

According to recent studies, there's a surprising link between your physical posture and your mental health, your past trauma, and your psychological state. So if you've ever noticed yourself holding your head in a certain way or arching your back differently, your body may be trying to tell you more than you think. Here are a few common posture positions and what they say about your mental health and wellbeing: If your eyes are always looking down... You've been through a lot. You have unreleased trauma in your body. It's hard for you to trust people. You feel upset regularly...

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Am I In Fight, Flight, Freeze, Or Fawn Mode?

Posted by Liz Tenuto on

The human body responds to stress in four basic ways: fight, flight, freeze, and fawn.  Take our quiz and find out which stress response YOUR body is in! ⬇️   

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Exploring the Benefits of Somatic Exercise for Weight Loss

Posted by Kelsey Juntwait on

Are you tired of trying countless diets and workout routines without seeing the results you want? Do you dread going to the gym or find it hard to stick with a strict exercise regimen? Well, it's time to introduce yourself to another way towards weight loss: somatic movement. This type of movement focuses on increasing body awareness and releasing tension, leading to a more efficient and effective workout. Not only does it help with weight loss, but it also improves posture, reduces pain, and boosts overall well-being. What is Somatic Exercise? Somatic exercise is an approach to body awareness that...

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9 Ways To Lower Your Cortisol Levels

Posted by Kelsey Juntwait on

Cortisol is a hormone secreted by the adrenal gland in response to stress. It plays an essential role in regulating bodily processes, including blood sugar levels, metabolism, and immune function. Cortisol levels determine the extent of the body's response to stress, so it's crucial during times of prolonged stress. However, when those cortisol levels remain high, it's possible that your body will experience detrimental effects. Here are 9 ways to lower your cortisol levels: 1. Reduce your caffeine intake. Caffeine triggers the release of cortisol and can cause cortisol levels to stay elevated for an extended period. This constant elevation...

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