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Fight, Flight, Freeze, & Fawn Response: What's The Difference?

Posted by Kelsey Juntwait on

The human body responds to stress in four basic ways: fight, flight, freeze, and fawn. Each response is a way of reacting to perceived danger with the ultimate goal of reducing or avoiding harm and returning to a state of relaxation.  Take the quiz to find out if you're in fight, flight, freeze, or fawn response! What is a fight response? A fight response is one of the three basic types of responses to stress – the other two being flight and freeze response. It primarily refers to the aggressive stance taken by an individual against a perceived threat or...

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The Signs You're in Survival Mode and How to Get Out of It

Posted by Kelsey Juntwait on

Have you ever found yourself constantly in fight or flight mode? Feeling like you're just trying to survive day by day? Then you're definitely not alone. Many people often find themselves stuck here, in something termed "survival mode". And survival mode can often lead to chronic stress, fatigue, and burnout. But how do you know if you're actually in survival mode? And more importantly, how do you break out of it?  What is Survival Mode? Survival mode is a natural response of the nervous system to a perceived threat or danger. The "fight or flight" response kicks in, triggering the...

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The Signs And Symptoms Of High Cortisol Levels

Posted by Kelsey Juntwait on

High cortisol levels (especially over longer periods of time) can leave lasting effects on that body. SO it's important to know how exactly to recognize when your body is actually struggling with higher than normal cortisol levels. Here are the signs and symptoms of high cortisol levels: Acne  When cortisol levels remain elevated for prolonged periods in the body, it can disrupt the balance of other hormones such as progesterone and testosterone, leading to increased activity of sebaceous glands and production of oil. This clogs pores and causes acne. Furthermore, high cortisol levels can also weaken the immune system, making...

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The Connection Between High Cortisol Levels, Stress, And The Inability To Lose Weight

Posted by Kelsey Juntwait on

We've ALL been there... We try to lose weight — but no matter how hard we work out, how hard we focus on our meal prep, how much we cut out sugar and alcohol and carbs... nothing works! But why!? If you're feeling stressed about your weight loss goals than you might want to focus less on your actual lack of weight loss and more on the reason behind your lack of weight loss. Let's talk about Cortisol! Cortisol levels can be the bane of our existence, but they are also a necessary evil. This hormone is produced by the...

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Recognizing the Behavioral, Emotional, and Physical Signs of Stored Trauma

Posted by Kelsey Juntwait on

Everyone experiences trauma. From illnesses to divorces to injuries to bullies, one could say that trauma is just another part of the human existence. But what's difficult to understand is that trauma isn't just a one-and-done sorta thing. Every trauma that we go through will physiologically and emotionally get stored somewhere within our body. So what do we do about it!? The key to unlocking physiological and emotional trauma starts with being able to recognize the physical signs that that trauma is giving us. Here's a list of some of the signs and symptoms that there's stored trauma in your body: Behavioral Signs of...

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