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How To Get Out Of Dorsal Vagal Shutdown

Posted by Kelsey Juntwait on

Overwhelming amounts of trauma and stress could be responsible for putting your body in a dorsal vagal shutdown. Here's an explanation of what exactly that means and also how to get out of it. You've probably heard of the vagus nerve so let's start there. The 'vagus nerve' has become a hot topic across social media over the past few years — so I'm willing to bet you've heard of it.  The vagus nerve has been coined a superpower in the mental health world due to it's ability to "treat" anxiety or stress by counteracting your 'fight-or-flight' mode with physical stimulation.  And that is absolutely true. ...

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5 Tips To Deal With Holiday Stress This Season

Posted by Kelsey Juntwait on

Whether it’s stress from the financial burden of the holidays or it’s the vivid memories of a family member you’ve been grieving or if it’s just the anxiety of overwhelming social settings this time of year, it’s important to manage your mental wellbeing right now. Here are 5 quick tips to prioritize your mental sanity to survive the holiday stress this year: 1) Spend time alone when you need to. There’s no need to be constantly surrounded by activities during the holiday season. Be sure to take a step back and recharge when needed. Don’t be afraid to say “no”...

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2023 Holiday Gift Guide: The Best Self Care Gift

Posted by Liz Tenuto on

This year, give someone the gift of putting THEMSELF first for a change. If you know someone suffering from stress and anxiety (and let’s be honest, who ISN’T around the holidays!?), get them the gift of a full-mind-and-body reset with Release Stress & Stored Trauma In 30 Days. Taught by a master trainer with over 14 years of clinical experience, these healing movements can be done in the comfort of your own home and are perfect for anyone looking to heal their body from the constant stress over the past few years. Pair with a candle and a yoga mat or...

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8 Signs Of Trauma In Adults

Posted by Kelsey Juntwait on

It’s important to recognize psychological and emotional trauma in adults, and specifically, HOW that trauma is showing up in different aspects of one’s life. Since everyone who experiences trauma will all have different coping mechanisms, reactions, and recoveries, the symptoms and signs of trauma in adults isn’t as easy to “diagnose” than something like the flu. Especially because traumatic experiences, alone, can widely differ from person to person. Traumatic events can be caused by many things, whether that’s a singular event or ongoing experiences. Examples of said traumatic events can be: Experiencing a natural disaster like an earthquake or tornado....

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5 Trauma Release Exercises To Start Healing Childhood Trauma

Posted by Kelsey Juntwait on

Taylor Swift was on to something when she created the viral hit “Shake It Off.” Because when it comes to trauma being stored in the body or stress weighing you down, the action of “shaking it off” can, quite literally, change your life. If you don’t know by now, stress, anxiety, and psychological trauma is stored throughout the physical body in our somatic memory. After time, our somatic memory eventually begins to affect our body’s biological stress response, creating long-term issues that expose themselves as physical symptoms. And whether those physical symptoms are: 😩 Unbearable hip tension 😩 Unusually tight hips...

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