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News — high cortisol

9 Ways High Stress Is Giving You Cortisol Face

Posted by Liz Tenuto on

Have you noticed that your face is puffy when you wake up or you have bags under your eyes, no matter how much sleep or self-care you get? From puffiness to bags to fine lines, these are actually the signs of “cortisol face.” High cortisol levels, triggered by prolonged stress, can silently change your appearance, affecting everything from your skin's texture to facial fat distribution. You may think it’s just aging, but it can be your body’s response to long-term stress. Face before and after releasing excess cortisol: Cortisol face shares symptoms with other stress-related conditions like fatigue, mood swings, and sleep disturbances. When your...

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Why Your Cortisol Levels Might Show Up Normal In Blood Work

Posted by Liz Tenuto on

So everyone on social media is telling you that your cortisol levels are high, yet your blood work says they're normal... 😵‍💫 If this sound like you, then let's talk about why! We understand how frustrating it can be to know you have so many of the signs and symptoms of having high cortisol levels. And we understand how even more frustarting it can be to then only have a blood test come back normal! So you are NOT alone in this feeling.  In fact, it's actually quite common to have high cortisol levels even when your blood test says you don't. But why...

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