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News — high cortisol

High Cortisol and Perimenopause/Menopause: How They Overlap

Posted by Morgan Fisher on

Feeling like menopause and perimenopause have turned life into an emotional roller coaster? You’re not imagining things! These phases of life bring a range of symptoms that often overlap with those caused by high cortisol levels (that’s your stress hormone in action).   So if you're experiencing fatigue, mood swings, sleep issues, weight gain, anxiety — it can feel like a never-ending cycle where stress from one makes the other worse. When estrogen and progesterone levels start to fluctuate or decline, your body’s ability to regulate cortisol takes a hit, making even minor stress feel overwhelming. The result is a loop...

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Why Your Cortisol Levels Might Show Up Normal In Blood Work

Posted by Liz Tenuto on

So everyone on social media is telling you that your cortisol levels are high, yet your blood work says they're normal... 😵‍💫 If this sound like you, then let's talk about why! We understand how frustrating it can be to know you have so many of the signs and symptoms of having high cortisol levels. And we understand how even more frustarting it can be to then only have a blood test come back normal! So you are NOT alone in this feeling.  In fact, it's actually quite common to have high cortisol levels even when your blood test says you don't. But why...

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