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How Long Does It Take To Release Trauma From Your Body

Posted by Kelsey Juntwait on

When you experience trauma — whether that's physical trauma or emotional trauma — your body has an immediate reaction to store that trauma somewhere. And the longer it takes for you to "deal" with said trauma (or heal from it...), the longer your body will react to that stored trauma with both physical and psychological symptoms. So it's necessary to release trauma from your body . How To Release Trauma From Your Body The best way to release trauma from your body is by starting a somatic healing program or by doing somatic exercises. Somatic exercises are gentle movements that...

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5 Tips To Relieve Stress Quickly By Using Your 5 Senses

Posted by Kelsey Juntwait on

We all experience stress to some degree. It's a physical and emotional reaction to the day-to-day challenges we all face. But that doesn't mean that stress isn't a huge inconvenience in every aspect of our lives... And it also doesn't mean that we don't want to find ways to relieve stress quickly! Is it normal to be stressed? First, it's important to remember that some degree of daily stress is absolutely normal! For example, there's no need to worry about the stress that results from an argument with your partner. Or the stress that comes from an overwhelming day at...

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How To Deal With High-Functioning Anxiety In 2023

Posted by Kelsey Juntwait on

You’ve probably heard of high-functioning anxiety by now when it comes to conversations regarding mental health. But what actually is high-functioning anxiety — and how does it differ from just regular ol’ anxiety!? Unfortunately, research is pretty limited when it comes to high-functioning anxiety. The term itself isn’t recognized as an official mental health diagnosis, making it difficult to be both understood and treated. However, the “diagnosis” of the unrecognized ailment of high-functioning anxiety can typically be identified by the signs and symptoms in which people are experiencing. And also how those signs and symptoms differ from the actual diagnosable...

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Trauma Stored In The Body: Where Is Trauma Stored?

Posted by Kelsey Juntwait on

If you don't know by now, psychological trauma can be stored in the physical body. But where in the physical body is everyone's trauma stored!? Well, it depends on the individual person. AND the individual experienced trauma. And figuring out where your trauma is stored will help you understand exactly how to release your stored trauma and get back to feeling like a better you. To find out where YOUR trauma is stored, take our quiz! ⬇️   

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Mattress Recommendations For Hip Pain

Posted by Kelsey Juntwait on

Everyone wants to get a good night’s sleep, right!? So it’s no surprise that we all have different practices that we use to help achieve that goal… Whether it’s a sound machine, a night light, a cup of tea, or a warm bath — the decisions we make revolving sleep are important in making sure we all wake up well-rested. (AND PAIN FREE!) And if you really think about it… We spend about a third of our lives in bed. So sleep MATTERS. And especially what we’re sleeping ON. So choosing the right mattress is critical. You can have everything else...

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