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Signs & Symptoms Of Childhood Trauma In Adulthood

Posted by Kelsey Juntwait on

The signs and symptoms of childhood trauma can display in an alarming amount of ways in adulthood.  While some people find it easy to define their symptoms of childhood trauma in adulthood, some don’t even realize that they’re experiencing symptoms of residual childhood trauma in adulthood in the first place.  What is childhood trauma? Childhood trauma can be defined as any event experienced by a child that was emotionally or physically painful or distressful.  A lot of things can qualify as childhood trauma but research conducted by the Centers for Disease Control has measured childhood trauma by the 10 ACEs...

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What Are Somatic Exercises And How Can Somatic Exercise Heal Trauma?

Posted by Kelsey Juntwait on

If you wake up with tight shoulders, a stiff neck, unavoidable pain in your back, OR if you constantly feel your hips popping and jaw locking all day long, it may be beneficial to look into somatic exercises. Maybe you’ve been questioning ‘what are somatic exercises’ for awhile now, or maybe you’re just becoming familiar with the term — either way, somatic exercises are the key to healing from trauma, dealing with stress, losing unwanted weight, AND treating the chronic pain you’ve been feeling throughout your body for the past few years. But before explaining exactly what somatic exercises actually...

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Is Trauma Stored In The Body? How To Release Your Trauma Stored In Your Body

Posted by Kelsey Juntwait on

There’s now more evidence than ever that there’s BOTH physical trauma AND emotional trauma stored in the body.  Before diving into where and how this trauma is stored in the body, let’s start with a deep dive into the connection between the mind and body. In the past few decades, it’s become common knowledge that the emotional factors and experiences of our body can, indeed, influence the physical ones.  We know that our gut biome influences our mental health. We know that our stress levels affect our immune system. And we now know that the past trauma we’ve experienced is...

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Why Can’t I Lose Weight: The Real Reason You Can’t Lose Weight

Posted by Kelsey Juntwait on

New studies are showing that significant weight loss is connected with those who practice somatic exercises. Let me explain exactly what that means… Does this sound like you? You’ve tried EVERY diet possible to drop some extra pounds but nothing ever sustainably keeps the weight off. You’ve joined allllll the workout programs at your local gym (and even online!) but nothing is giving the results you crave. You’re becoming a little resentful of your partner because they can eat without gaining a single pound and you can't. You’re constantly googling “why can’t I lose weight!?!?!” And you're getting sick of...

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Why Is My Sciatica Not Going Away? Treating Your Sciatic Pain For Good

Posted by Kelsey Juntwait on

If you’ve experienced chronic hip pain or flare ups of sciatic nerve pain over the past few years, you’ve probably wondered (and even Googled) this before: “Why is my sciatica not going away!?” Whether your sciatica is from a physical injury or from years of stored trauma in your hips and body, sciatic nerve pain can be one of the most debilitating ailments to your everyday life. And if you’re anything like me, then you’ve also seen multiple doctors to treat this life-altering issue.  Yet every doctor — like clock-work — prescribes something you’ve already tried. (AND something that hasn’t...

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