Heal Your Nervous System (3 Course Bundle)

Somatic Exercise and Stored Trauma: Do Somatic Exercises Really Work?

Posted by Liz Tenuto on

Have you ever experienced trauma in your life that seems to be stuck in your body?

Maybe you've tried talk therapy or other methods to try and process it, but it still feels like it's weighing you down?

If this sounds familiar, then somatic exercises could be the solution you've been searching for.

What is Somatic Exercise?

Somatic exercise is a way to bring more awareness to your body and improve your physical wellbeing. This type of movement practice focuses on systematically contracting and releasing muscles throughout the body, helping you to develop new patterns of movement so you can release accumulated and stored tension.

With somatic exercise, you can learn to move more efficiently and gracefully, while also improving your flexibility, balance, and coordination. Whether you're recovering from an injury, dealing with chronic pain, or simply looking to deepen your mind-body connection, somatic exercise can be a valuable tool. 

The Benefits of Somatic Exercise for Releasing Trauma

Somatic exercise is a remarkable practice that's been proven to be an effective way of releasing stored trauma from the body. Whether it's an accident, injury, or emotional trauma, our bodies have a natural way of holding onto these experiences. But with the help of somatic exercise, it becomes possible to gain awareness of our body and mind, identify the areas we are holding tension, and release that tension gradually. By allowing ourselves to connect with our bodies through somatic exercise, we also learn how to communicate with ourselves and others in a more healthy and positive way.

Additionally, the practice of somatic exercise is entirely non-invasive, and can be done from the comfort of your own home (& even in your own bed!).

Our signature Heal Your Nervous System (3 Course Bundle) relieves:

  • living in survival mode
  • freeze response / dorsal vagal shutdown
  • long-term anxiety / long-term depression
  • nervous system dysregulation
  • frequent dissociation
  • feeling overwhelmed / stuck / immobilized
  • long-term stress (more than 1 year)
  • people pleasing
  • constant fatigue / exhaustion / burnout
  • feeling numb / like you have no emotions
  • chronic pain
  • full body pain
  • inability to lose weight
  • cortisol belly
  • lightheadedness, dizziness, vertigo
  • sensory sensitivity
  • feeling disconnected from body / emotions
  • frequent panic attacks
  • shallow, irregular breathing
  • inability to cry
  • tingling in arms, legs, hands, feet
  • difficulty swallowing
  • procrastination
  • lack of boundaries
  • physical and emotional effects of narcissistic abuse
  • physical and emotional effects of childhood trauma
  • addiction to substances, shopping, phone, tv, love, etc
  • feeling consistency stuck, overwhelmed, shutdown
  • tinnitus
  • locked jaw
  • hip, back, neck, shoulder, and jaw pain

Do Somatic Exercises Really Work?

Yes! We've personally seen tens of thousands of people reap the benefits of somatic exercises after going through one of our eight signature somatic exercise courses.

But don't just take it from our students! ⬇️

One study published in the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies investigated the effects of somatic education on individuals with non-specific chronic neck pain. The participants who received somatic education reported significant improvements in neck pain intensity, neck disability, and overall quality of life compared to those in the control group.

Research published in the International Journal of Yoga Therapy examined the effects of somatic movement education on individuals with Parkinson's disease. The study found that somatic movement practices led to improvements in balance, mobility, and overall quality of life for the participants.

Research published in the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity focused on the impact of somatic movement on older adults. The study found that somatic exercises improved balance, flexibility, and postural control in older individuals.

Moreover, somatic exercises have been found to be particularly useful in alleviating the symptoms of stress and anxiety. Since stress tends to manifest in muscular tension, somatic exercises can play a crucial role in reducing stress-related muscle pain and promoting relaxation. By targeting the root cause of tension rather than merely addressing surface-level symptoms, somatic exercises offer a comprehensive approach to stress management.

Beyond physical benefits, somatic exercises may also have profound effects on mental well-being. By fostering a deeper connection between the mind and body, individuals often report increased self-awareness, reduced anxiety levels, and improved emotional resilience. The mindfulness aspect of somatic exercises encourages individuals to be present in the moment, promoting a sense of calm and mental clarity.

So the question of whether somatic exercises really work can be answered with a resounding yes. These exercises offer a holistic approach to improve physical well-being, address chronic pain, and promote mental clarity. With its emphasis on mindful movement and the mind-body connection, somatic exercises provide a unique and valuable technique to enhance overall health.

Go ahead and see for yourself! And join the tens of thousands of adults on their healing journey with somatic exercise!